The Greater Manchester Adult Social Care Transformation programme has contributed significantly to the reform and continuous improvement of adult social care both at a Greater Manchester and locality level.

The dispersed/peer led leadership managed through Greater Manchester Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has been successful and supported significant change alongside the development of many Greater Manchester Models of best practice.

Working as a Greater Manchester collaborative with a strong infrastructure, distributed leadership and best practice sharing has enabled us to do things differently (and do it once not ten times).

The programme enables an intelligent connection across the system and with the partnership and will be a critical part of the architecture in the new integrated care system, to co-ordinate and drive forward the adult social care agenda.
Moving forward the team is well placed to assist the 10 Greater Manchester localities address the adult social care requirements of the recent White Paper around improving the quality and availability of data across the health and social care sector (additional provider requirements around self-funders etc.), the new assurance framework for social care and new discharge to assess requirements.
The overarching adult social care transformation programme objective is: