Since 2009 there has been a successful reduction in the number of cars entering the city centre in the morning peak, falling from over 27,000 in 2009 to under 23,000 a decade later.

In parallel, there has been an increasing number of people accessing the city centre on foot, by cycle, Metrolink and rail, and a significant increase in the number of residents. Access to the city centre by bus has been largely consistent across this period.

Further work to develop and integrate the public transport network, planned alongside ongoing development across the regional centre, including Albert Square, New Bailey Street and Salford City Bee Network Package, and complemented by further new and enhanced cycling routes are proposed.

Together, these will support the aim for 90% of morning peak trips into the city centre to be made on foot, by cycle or public transport before 2040. This means fewer cars in the city centre so we can have cleaner air, support our carbon reduction targets and re-balance street space to help sustain a healthy and thriving economy accessible to all.