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North East Growth Corridor

The North East Growth Corridor is the single largest employment opportunity for the city-region, delivering thousands of quality jobs and thousands of new quality, low carbon homes linked to sustainable transport.

Of fundamental importance to this growth location is Atom Valley, a collection of employment-led development opportunities with a focus on increased productivity, diffusion of new technology, and advanced manufacturing and materials to foster an innovation ecosystem serving the whole of Greater Manchester. Atom Valley Mayoral Development Zone brings together public- and private-sector expertise to support delivery of our ambitions for these developments.

Find out more at the Atom Valley Website.

Within Atom Valley lies the Northern Gateway. As one of the largest opportunities for employment development in the country, this site alone has the potential to deliver transformational change with capacity for around 1,200,000 sq.m. of employment floorspace, including proposals to incorporate a significant element of advanced manufacturing and major investment in transport infrastructure.

Translating the work of our universities into reality, the employment growth will focus on creating an ‘Advanced Materials City’, and across the Growth Area establishing a national leading Advanced Manufacturing and Materials ‘mega’ cluster for Greater Manchester, building on the existing manufacturing supply chains and skills base across the city region.

Innovation and significant inward investment will be realised through the Sustainable Materials Manufacturing Centre, creating the new machines and engineering skills needed to manufacture the technologies of tomorrow.

Local residents are being connected to the newly created opportunities in higher-skilled manufacturing employment through the provision of training and development opportunities, and higher education offer through our universities and other providers.

The town centre focus and the Mills Strategy adopted by Oldham will embed and deliver Greater Manchester’s brownfield first policy as set out in Places for Everyone, with the transformation of the town centre ensuring the people of Oldham benefit from the value and growth created through this approach. This complements proposals for other town centres across the Corridor, including Bury, Middleton, and Prestwich.

With sustainability and the ambition of zero carbon integral to the design of all the Growth Locations, it is proposed that the North East Growth Corridor will be connected to surrounding areas by improved sustainable and public transport infrastructure, including proposals for tram-train developments connecting Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Middleton and beyond, as well as a Bus Rapid Transit system.

The North East Growth Corridor is a key development for Greater Manchester, developing our connections with West Yorkshire and the collaboration work that is ongoing with Universities outside of the region on innovation and with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority on skills.

Development across North East Growth Corridor will also bring forward plans for investment in the key highway infrastructure which will support increased network capacity and ensure the scale of development can be delivered to raise the overall competitiveness of northern Greater Manchester as a whole.

Proposed CGI Of Lower Level Of New Market Leading Up To Retail Market Above
CGI Aerial View Of Northern Gateway
New Office Space Upper Mall, Spindles
Transport Delivery Plan Map Of Northern Gateway